Twelve point five

As it turns out, updating right before jumping on a plane isn't the best idea, especially when there's bugs.

  • Fixes audio issues, mainly dialogue just being too dang quiet.
  • Introduces some smoother transitions for some scenes.
  • Variables hopscotching around.
  • Herobrine removed.

Blah blah blah, but most importantly 12.5 includes a big Frankie rewrite! You might love her, you might hate her, I certainly do and enough so to just say "f*ck it, time to comb over her dialogue.". Went through every line, kept some but changed most so hopefully the way she speaks and interacts with Sven (you) feels a lot more concise + characterized. Yes, it's a step away from her 'serious' nature but when you have people asking "Does Frankie have autism?", well, death of a writer and all that jazz. Hopefully you all enjoy 1960's diner gal turned maid version instead. (Also I included a couple more screens, literally, for her).

Eh? Who the hell's that?

Files 1 GB
Sep 11, 2023

Get Ferarum


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please sir, may I have some updates

haha, big update!

give yer good ol' pops an ETA, I raised you like my own son

(1 edit)

I dont ask for much except many hours of free labour on games, tiddy, and reponses to rambling shitposts

I remember when I was a young boy, and ferarum dropped, now many years have passed and I have grown old and weary, ravaged by the passage of time, and yet I wait, for while I may not live to see it, the light of the rest of part 2 may still yet shine upon my bones and let them turn to dust in peace.

(1 edit)

also how 'bout dem tiddies huh 
