Update 15 and a happy halloween!

Yup, welcome back for another round of Ferarum. 6 months really comes and goes huh? So what gives, is this a slow cook meal cooked to perfection or an unseasoned burnt riblet?

This update (Version 15) features a lot, and if you'd like a detailed summary you won't find it here. Simply put, I've been cooking this update for so long that I can't quite remember which ingredients are which. I would open myself up to mistaking old assets for new and vice versa. So, for the sake of things, here is what I know full heartedly is within this update.

>A new continuation. No more cardboard Jojo!! (She misses you)

>An ASS load of CG's and animations. Like holy shit I think the animation count doubled.

>More dialogue and revised dialogue. This extends to Act 1 and Act 2. Hopefully some sentences read a lot better and have better implications.

>Force crashes have been changed to force resets. This stops you from having to reopen the damn thing every time it happens.

>Reset all variables/memory button. You can find this in the config/options menu on the top right. This totally resets the persistent memory system.

>More fanart from you lovely players!

>Probably other stuff too but idk, play and find out dummy!

"Jono you forgot to put X Y Z in! You said you would!" - I forgot lol so comment down below and remind me.

Thanks again gang for waiting patiently and even reaching out to me via Discord, speaking of which several of you have asked me about and all I'll say is "if I find the time.". Socializing isn't really my forte though and I'd rather something like that not devolve into a wankfest or personal mob. My username is "joyniche" incase you would like to contact for whatever reason. I'll be back around soon for Demo Day in t minus 10 hours to update/fix some things over the coming days. There's still a monstrous amount of work needed to be done for the dinner scene (seriously, this build only has like 1/3 of the dialogue) so I'll be focusing on that with micro-updates here n there. 

Cheers again gang, see you somewhere in a space between!


Ferarum-15-pc.zip 1.5 GB
Oct 31, 2024
Ferarum-15-mac.zip 1.5 GB
Oct 31, 2024

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kino is back on the menu


looking forward to playing =w=


Heh thanks brother! Better see you on DD!


i'll be there... to play demos.